About Cathy Casteel

Certified Neuro-Transformational Coach™
Mindset Shifter
SpeakerAs a Neuro-Transformational Coach™ Cathy Casteel is passionate about supporting and empowering highly sensitive empathic women to release the layers of false beliefs so they can find their voice, reclaim their self-worth and begin living the authentic joy-filled life they desire.
Cathy brings a wealth of life experience, wisdom and leadership training to her work with clients. As a military veteran with over 31 years of service and her background in corporate and law enforcement, Cathy has spent decades in service to others—supporting them in breaking through the mindset and emotional blocks keeping them from living their best life.
Cathy is dedicated to her own transformational healing and development and is continuously bringing her trainings and lessons into her work with clients. As a former people pleaser, childhood abuse survivor, procrastinator, self-sabotage and queen of self-judgment, Cathy intimately knows the healing power of clearing false beliefs and old scripts that are sabotaging your life—and also knows the joy and possibility waiting on the other side.
As a Neuro-Transformational Coach™ Cathy incorporates numerous coaching, leadership and healing methodologies to serve the entire spectrum of human behavior and being. The work includes diving deep into a client’s beliefs, values, emotions, temptations, drivers, embodied traumas and includes to create transformational changes in their neurology, allowing them to make long lasting breakthrough sifts in their lives, instead of constantly repeating the same self-sabotaging patterns.
Cathy has trained with Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki and Sean Smith and is continually adding to her transformational tool kit to support her clients on their journey.
“Cathy is truly a life changer! I've personally witnessed her coach people from all over the globe with issues ranging from surface level challenges to deep internal conflicts and she has facilitated her clients through massive breakthroughs EVERY TIME! She has a wealth of wisdom, personal development experience, and a golden heart of service. She will help you transform.” Sean Smith, founder of EliteCoaching University, wwwCoachSeanSmith.com